Juan A. Macías Amoretti



Name: Juan A. Surname: Macías Amoretti Date of Birth: 14/02/1979 Place of Birth: Cádiz (Spain) Nationality: Spanish (EU)

Phone N.: +34 958 243 551 E-mail: jamacias@ugr.es

URL: http://granada.academia.edu/JuanAntonioMacíasAmoretti


05/10/2007 Ph.D. (Doctor Europeus) in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Granada, Spain / Men. University of Oxford, UK. Grade: Cum Laude. 10/10/2008 Associate Diploma in Translation-Arabic, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain 2004 MA (Diploma de Estudios Avanzados) in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Granada 2002 M-Certificate in Teaching Pedagogy (CAP), Language and Literature, University of Granada 2001 BA Diploma (Licenciatura) in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Granada


16/08/2009 Arabic Language Proficiency Test (ALPT). Arab Academy Cairo / Rec. Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture – Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (ICCIA-OIC) (Egypt).


2008 Winner of II International ‘Rosa Maria Calaf’ Award in Social Research for the Research Work Between the Faith and the Reason. The ways of Political Thought in Morocco (Entre la fe y la razón: los caminos del pensamiento político en Marruecos). Fundación Cruzcampo, Universidad de Jaén and Festival Etnosur. Alcalá la Real, Spain 2008.


Oct. 13 – currently Senior Lecturer (Profesor Contratado Doctor) in Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Semitic Studies, University of Granada. Full-time. Feb. 09 – currently Associate Lecturer in Islamic Culture (taught in English) at the
Modern Languages Centre (CLM), University of Granada. Parttime (45 hours /semester). Oct. 08 – Oct. 13 Assistant Lecturer (Profesor Ayudante Doctor) in Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Semitic Studies, University of Granada. Full-time. Oct. 07 – Oct. 08 Postdoctoral Research Fellow / Teaching Fellow. Area of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Semitic Studies, University of Granada. Full-time. July 02 – June 06 Pre-doctoral Research Fellow (F.P.I.). Area of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Semitic Studies, University of Granada. Full-time. Sep. 00 – July 01 Collaboration Research Fellow. Area of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Semitic Studies, University of Granada. Part-time. April – Sep. 00 Junior Research Fellow. Area of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Semitic Studies, University of Granada. Part-time.

Research Fellowships

2012 – 2016 Associate Research Fellow at the Jacques Berque Centre for the Study of the Social and Human Sciences (CNRS), Rabat – Morocco. 2002 – currently Research Fellow, Research Group ‘Contemporary Arab Studies’ (HUM 108), University of Granada.

Research Leadership

2016 – (2019) Main Researcher of the project Ideology, text and discourse: narratives of social change in North Africa-IDENAF (Ref. FFI2016-76307-R), Spanish Ministry of Economy, University of Granada (UGR), Spain.

Participation in Research Projects

2012 – 2016 I+D Research Project ‘Popular revolts from the Mediterranean to Central Asia: historical genealogy, power fractures and identity factors’ (Ref. HAR2012-34053), Spanish Ministry of Economy, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. 2010 – 2011 Research Project ‘The religious factor in the violent conflicts in Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa: presence and visibility in Catalonia from a compared perspective’ (ref. RICIP 2010). Catalan International Institute for Peace (ICIP) and the Catalan Agency of University Research (AGAUR). 2009 – 2010 Research Project ‘The religious factor in the violent conflicts of Turkey, Northern Africa and the Middle East’ (RICIP2009), Catalan International Institute for Peace (ICIP) and the Catalan Agency of University Research (AGAUR). 2008 – 2011 I+D Research Project ‘Stability, governability and political change in Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa: impact on the Spanish policy towards the region’ (Ref. CSO2008-06232
C03-02/CPOL), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. 2002 – 2005 I+D Research Project ‘Civil Society, Human Rights and Democracy in Morocco’ (SEC2001-3100), Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. University of Granada, Spain.

Visiting Research Fellowships

Sep. – Oct. 12 Visiting Research Fellow. King Fahd School, Abdelmalek Essaadi University. Tangiers (Morocco). Full-time. July – Sep. 10 Visiting Research Fellow. Institut Dominicain d’Études Orientales (IDEO-Cairo). Cairo (Egypt). Full-time. July – Sep. 09 Visiting Research Fellow. Institut Dominicain d’Études Orientales (IDEO-Cairo). Cairo (Egypt). Full-time. Feb. – June 07 Visiting Research Fellow. Middle East Centre – St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford. Oxford (UK). Full-time. July – Dec. 05 Visiting Research Fellow. Foundation du Roi ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Al Saoud pour les Ètudes Islamiques et les Sciences Humaines. Casablanca (Morocco). Full-time. Feb. – May 04 Visiting Research Fellow. Department of Arabic Language, Moulay Ismail University. Meknes (Morocco). Full-time. Mars – May 03 Visiting Research Fellow. Department of History, Ibn Zohr University. Agadir (Morocco). Full-time.



2015 (Co-edited with Elena Arigita Maza). Arab (dis)continuities. Discourses and imaginaries in a changing context / (Dis)continuidades árabes. Discursos e imaginarios en un contexto de cambios). Col. Análisis y crítica social. Granada: Editorial Comares, 2015. 2008 Between the Faith and the Reason – the ways of political thought in Morocco / Entre la fe y la razón: los caminos del pensamiento político en Marruecos. Alcalá la Real: Alcalá, 2008 (ISBN 978-84-96806-69-6). 2008 Islamist Movement and Democracy in Morocco – an overview to the sociopolitical and ideological development of Contemporary Moroccan Islamism / Movimiento islamista y democracia en Marruecos: una aproximación al desarrollo sociopolítico e ideológico del islamismo marroquí contemporáneo. Altafulla: Fimam, 2008 (ISBN 978-84-612-2039-7). 2007 Contemporary Moroccan Political Though – Islam and Democracy in ‘Abd alSalam Yasin and Muhammad ‘Abid al-Jabri / El pensamiento político marroquí contemporáneo: islam y democracia en ‘Abd al-Salam Yasin y Muhammad ‘Abid al-Yabri. PhD Thesis (Spanish/English). Granada: University of Granada, 2007 (ISBN: 84-338-4472-5).

Book Chapters

2016 “Religión y orden social: la dialéctica islam-secularismo en el pensamiento islámico contemporáneo”. In Rocío Velasco de Castro, Manuela Fernández Rodríguez and Leandro Martínez Peñas (coords.). Religión, derecho y sociedad en la organización del Estado. Valladolid: Veritas / Omnia Mutantur, 2016, 467-502. 2016 “Ética y política en el pensamiento árabe contemporáneo: una perspectiva democrática”. In José M. Puerta Vílchez and Abdeluahed Akmir (eds.). Al-Rabī’ al-‘arabī… mādā ba’da?. Rabat: Markaz dirāsāt al-Andalus wa-ḥiwār al-ḥaḍārāt, 2016, 63-84. 2015 ‘Le Maroc en perspective: pensée et conceptualisation politique dans Min dîwân al-siyâsa de Abdallah Laroui’. In Badouin Dupret et. alii (eds.). Le Maroc au présent. Rabat: Centre Jaques Berque, 2015. 2015 ‘Are we going or is it coming? Democracy as philosophical text and ideological discourse in Morocco’ (“¿Vamos o viene? La democracia como texto filosófico y discurso ideológico en Marruecos”. In Juan A. Macías Amoretti y Elena Arigita Maza (eds.). (Dis)continuidades árabes. Discursos e imaginarios en un contexto de cambios. Colección Análisis y crítica social. Granada: Comares, 2015 (forthcoming). 2014 ‘Islamic theory on governance and political ideology: imamate and caliphate in Moroccan Islamist discourse’. In Timothy Poirson and Robert Oprisko (eds.). Caliphates and Islamic Global Politics. Bristol: E-International Relations Publications: 2014, pp. 24-32. 2013 ‘Political Islam in Morocco: Islamic ethics as a political power resource’ (“El Islam político en Marruecos: la ética islámica como recurso de poder político”). In Ferran Izquierdo Brichs (ed.). El islam político en un contexto de revueltas. Colección Interrogar la realidad, 34. Barcelona: CIDOB: 2013, 319-349. 2012 ‘Democracy and neocolonialist backlash in contemporary Arab political thought: ideological and socio-historical perspectives’ (“Democracia y backlash neocolonialista en el pensamiento político árabe contemporáneo: perspectivas ideológicas y socio-históricas”). In Jesús Abellán Muñoz, Alfonso Cortés González et alii (eds.). La praxis de la paz y los derechos humanos. Joaquín Herrera Flores In memoriam. Granada: Universidad de Granada: 2012, 353373. 2009 et alii. ‘Problems and perspectives of the new generation of researchers on the Arab World and Mediterranean in Spain and the United Kingdom’. In Richard Gillespie and Iván Martín (eds.). Researching the Mediterranean. Barcelona: British Council, 2009, 145-150 (ISBN: 84-87072-75-5). 2008 (Co-authored with Carmelo Pérez Beltrán). ‘Some reflections on civil society as a democratic element in the Maghreb’ (“Algunas reflexiones sobre la sociedad civil como elemento democratizador en el Magreb”). In Carmen Ruiz Bravo (ed.). Arabismo, diálogo y traducción. Madrid: CantArabia, 2008. 2006 ‘Democracy in the ideological conceptualization of Moroccan Islamist Movement’ (“La democracia en la conceptuación ideológica del movimiento islamista de Marruecos”). In Carmelo Pérez Beltrán (ed.). Sociedad civil, derechos humanos y democracia en Marruecos. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2006, 181-217 (ISBN: 84-338-3761-3).

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

2016 (Co-authored with Gonzalo Villagrán). “Human dignity as a space for Islamic
Catholic dialogue on human rights”. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 26 (2016) 1, pp. 75-91. 2015 ‘Seeking an ‘other’ desperately: the dialectical opposition of Political Islam in Morocco’. Journal of North African Studies, 20, 3 (2015), pp. 336-348. DOI 10.1080/13629387.2014.987233. 2014 ‘Political Islam and Popular mobilizations in 2011 Morocco: Ideological conceptualization and discourse analysis’ (“El islam político y las movilizaciones populares de 2011 en Marruecos: contextualización ideológica y análisis del discurso”). Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, 16 (2014), http://www.tallerteim.com/reim/index.php/reim/article/view/247/250. 2013 ‘The nahda as a political awakening in the Maghreb: historical and conceptual tensions in Malek Bennabi’s thought’ (“La nahda como despertar político en el Magreb: tensiones históricas y conceptuales en el pensamiento de Mālik Bennabī”). Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 24 (2013), 85-104. 2013 ‘Existentialism and Anarchism: political dimension and philosophic foundations. Critical translation of a Muhammad Sabila’s article’ (“Existencialismo y anarquismo: dimensión política y fundamento filosófico. Traducción crítica de un artículo de Muhammad Sabila”). Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos, 62 (2013), 201-207. 2012 (Co-authored with Juan Marsá Fuentes). ‘The struggle for reform: contested conceptualizations of islah in the Maghreb’. The Muslim World, 102 (2012), 211-224. 2012 ‘Islamic State and Democracy in North African Political Islam – Basic Concepts for an Uncertain Debate’ (“Estado islámico y democracia en el islam político norteafricano: conceptos fundamentales de un debate incierto”). Estudios de Asia y África, 148, XLVII(2) (2012), 293-335. 2011 ‘The Virtualization of Political Discourse and Action in the Maghreb: Moroccan Political Islam and its Fight for Ideological Power on the Internet’ (“La “virtualización” del discurso y la acción política en el Magreb: el caso del islam político marroquí y su lucha por el poder ideológico en Internet”). Afers Internacionals, 93-94 (2011), 53-71. 2010 ‘Muhammad ‘Abid al-Jabri – A Life Between the Turâth and the Philosophy of Action’ (“Muhammad ‘Ābid al-Ŷābrī (1935-2010): una vida entre el turāt y la filosofía de la acción”). Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos, 59 (2010), 275-285. 2010 (Co-authored with Carmelo Pérez Beltrán). ‘An approach to the debate on civil society in the Maghreb’ (“Aproximación al debate en torno al concepto de sociedad civil en el Magreb”). Hesperia. Culturas del Mediterráneo, 15 (2010), 269-284. 2009 ‘Between Politics and Philosophy – an approach to the development of Contemporary Moroccan Thought (1937-2007)’ (“Entre la política y la filosofía: aproximación al desarrollo del pensamiento marroquí contemporáneo (19372007)”. Studia Orientalia, 107 (2009), 177-200. 2009 ‘Islam and democracy in contemporary Moroccan thought: the political readings of ‘Abd al-Salām Yāsīn and Muhammad ‘Ābid al-Jābrī’. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 9 (2009), 110-125. (ISSN: 0806-198X) 2008 ‘Continuities and ruptures in Contemporary Moroccan Political Thought – a conceptual and historical analysis’ (“Continuidades y rupturas en el pensamiento político del Marruecos contemporáneo: un análisis histórico-conceptual”). AlAndalus-Magreb, 15 (2008), 157-187.
2008 ‘The development of Ethics in Contemporary Arab Philosophical Thought – the contributions of M.A. Lahbabi and M.’A. al-Jabri’ (“El desarrollo de la ética en el pensamiento filosófico árabe contemporáneo: las contribuciones de M.‘A. Lahbābī y M.‘Ā. Al-Ŷābrī”). Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 19 (2008), 103-124. 2007 ‘Towards the Shura-cratic State in Morocco – the concepts of ijtihad and jihad in ‘Abd al-Salam Yasin Political Discourse’ (“Hacia el estado “šūrà-crático” en Marruecos: los conceptos de “iŷtihād” y “ŷihād” en el discurso político de ‘Abd al-Salām Yāsīn”). Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos, 56 (2007), 153173. 2006 ‘Islam and Politics in Morcocco: An Approach to Muhammad ‘Abid al-Jabri’s Historical Reading’(“Islam y política en Marruecos: una aproximación a la lectura histórica de Muhammad ‘Abid al-Yabri”). Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos, 55 (2006), 213-231. 2005 ‘Women in Moroccan Islamist Movement’s Ideology’ (“La mujer en la ideología del movimiento islamista de Marruecos”). Míscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos, 54 (2005), 101-115.

Latest Conferences and Papers

2015 Rome (Italy), May 5. International Study Day Mohammed Abed al Jabri and the Future of the Arab World. Invited Paper: “Reforming the reform: al-Jabri’s critical approach to contemporary Arab political processes”. LUISS Guido Carli University (Rome). 2014 Granada (Spain), November 21. The tribune of Cordoba International Study Day What…, after the Arab Spring? Invited Paper: “Ethics and Politics in Contemporary Arab Thought: a democratic perspective”. Euro-Arab Foundation and Al-Andalus and Dialogue of Civilizations Study Centre (Rabat). 2014 Granada (Spain), November 13-14. CAPOLCOT International Conference (Political Change and Territorial Conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa). Paper: ‘From Mithos to Logos? Symbolic dimensions of Democracy in Morocco’. Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Granada. 2014 Barcelona (Spain), June 2-3. International Congress SPRINGARAB-Les révolutions árabes: état des lieux. Invited Paper: “La démocratie en tant que symbole: lectures ideologiques de la réforme au Maroc”. United Nations University. 2013 Salamanca (Spain), May 30-31. XIV FIMAM Meeting (Forum of Researchers on the Arab and Muslim World / Foro de Investigadores sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán). Paper: ‘Accomodation and power: an analysis on the PJD’s discourse in Morocco’ (“Acomodación y poder: un análisis del discurso del PJD en Marruecos”). University of Salamanca. 2013 Venice (Italy), April, 15. Invited lectura: ‘Islamist movement and democracy in Morocco’. Dipartaimento di Studi sull’Asia e sull’Africa Mediterranea, Università Ca’Foscari di Venezia. 2012 Barcelona (Spain), November 29. Invited paper in round table: ‘Political Islam in the context of the Arab revolts’ (“El islam político en el contexto de las revueltas”). Institut Catalá Internacional per la Pau (ICIP). 2012 Tetouan (Morocco), November 9-10. International Congress on Colonialism, Post-colonialism and Neo-colonialism. Paper: “Post-colonialism and Poststructuralism: conceptual keys in the analysis of contemporary Moroccan political thought’. Instituto Cervantes de Tetuán (Morocco).
2012 Pilsen (Czchec Republic), March 27-29. Conference: “Democracy and Islam in contemporary Maghreb”. Department of Middle East Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, West Bohemia University in Pilsen. 2012 Madrid (Spain), January 27-28. XIV FIMAM Meeting (Forum of Researchers on the Arab and Muslim World / Foro de Investigadores sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán). Paper: ‘Political Islam in Morocco’ / “El Islam político en Marruecos”. Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI), Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2011 Exeter (United Kingdom), July 27-29. British Society for Arab and Islamic Studies – BRISMES Annual Conference. Paper: ‘The Dialectics of Opposition in Moroccan Political Islam’. Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter. 2011 Rabat (Morocco), April 5. ‘Éthique et politique dans la pensée de Muhammad ‘Abid al-Jabri: essai d’une philosophie arabe de la praxis’. Invited Lecture. Jacques Berque Centre-CNRS, Rabat (Morocco). 2011 Granada (Spain), January 27-28. XIII FIMAM Meeting (Forum of Researchers on the Arab and Muslim World / Foro de Investigadores sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán). Paper: ‘The Religious Conteptualization in the Political Discourse of Moroccan Political Islam: Historical, Cultural and Ideological Elements’ / “La conceptuación religiosa en el discurso político del islamismo marroquí: elementos históricos, culturales e ideológicos”. University of Granada. 2010 Ankara (Turkey), December 10-13. ATCOSS 2010, Arab-Turkish Congress of Social Sciences. Paper: ‘Arab Political Culture and the Western Dialectical Discourse’ / “Al-Taqāfa al-siyāsiyya al-‘arabiyya wa-l-khitab al-jadalī l-garbī”. 2010 Barcelona (Spain), July 19-23. WOCMES 2010 (World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies). Paper: “What does ‘islah’ mean today? The use of reformist concepts in the Maghreb”. 2010 Barcelona (Spain), January 28-29. XII FIMAM Meeting (Forum of Researchers on the Arab and Muslim World / Foro de Investigadores sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán). Paper: ‘The Islamic State in the Discourse of Maghrebi Political Islam: from Resistence to Opposition’ / “La cuestión del estado islámico en el discurso del islam político magrebí: de la resistencia a la oposición”. Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Translations [AR-ES]

2015 Ihsan Abd al-Quddus. ‘The abolition of the individual’ and ‘All my life’ / “La abolición del individuo” y “Toda mi vida”. Hermemeus. Revista de Traducción, 17 (2015). 2008 Mohamed Aziz Lahbabi. The Islamic personalism / El personalismo islámico. Translation project. Toledo: Escuela de Traductores de Toledo/UCLM, 2008.

Other relevant contributions

2014 ‘Political Islam: Discourse, Ideology and Power’. E-International Relations (03/03/2014). http://www.e-ir.info/2014/03/03/political-islam-discourse-ideology-and-power/ 2011 ‘An Islamist neighbour? / “¿Un vecino islamista?”. Joly News Group (Granada Hoy, Diario de Sevilla, Málaga Hoy, Diario de Cádiz, Diario de Jerez, Europa Sur, El Día de Córdoba, Huelva Información, Diario de Almería). (02/12/2011). 2011 “Morocco: A change in Progress?”. The Islamic Monthly, 2 (summer/fall 2011),
pp. 61-62.


In Graduate Studies

Since 2013 Lecturer in “Contemporary Arab Thought” (6 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. Since 2013 Lecturer in “Arab Cinema” (6 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2012 – 2013 / 2015-2016 / 2016-2017 Lecturer in “Islamology” (6 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2012 – 2013 Lecturer in “Classic language (Arabic)” (3 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 /2012-2013 Lecturer in Introduction to the history and culture of the Arab and Muslim World (6 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014 / 2014-2015 Lecturer in Arabic Culture (C) (6 ECTS), Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Granada. 2011 – 2012 Lecturer in Modern Language I (Arabic) (6 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2011 – 2012 Lecturer in Arabic Culture (B) (3 ECTS), Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Granada. 2010 – 2011 Lecturer in Arabic Language Practices III, (9 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2009 – 2010 Lecturer in Second Language and Literature (Arabic), (12 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2009 – 2010 Lecturer in Methodology for the Study of Arabic Literature (45 hours), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2008 – 2009 Lecturer in Arabic Dialectology (9 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2008 – 2009 Lecturer in Modern Spoken Arabic II (9 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2008 – 2009 Lecturer in Arab-Islamic Political Thought (6 ECTS), Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, University of Granada. 2007 – 2008 Lecturer in Islamology (4,5 ECTS), Faculty of Arts, University of Granada. 2004 – 2005 / 2005 – 2006 / 2009 – 2010 / 2010 – 2011 Lecturer in Arabic Civilization, (6 ECTS), Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Granada.

In Postgraduate Studies

Since 2015 Lecturer in Contemporary Arab political thought: Islamic discourse and contemporary Arab Philosophy (1,5 cr. ECTS). Masters Degree in Arabic and Hebrew Cultures: al-Andalus and Contemporary Arab World. University of Granada
Since 2015 Lecturer in Research Methodology (1,5 cr. ECTS). Masters Degree in Arabic and Hebrew Cultures: al-Andalus and Contemporary Arab World. University of Granada Since 2009 Lecturer in Democracy and Human Rights in Non-Western Contexts: the Arab case. Masters Degree in Peace Culture, Conflicts, Education and Human Rights. University of Cadiz, University of Cordoba, University of Granada and University of Malaga (Spain). 2009-2010 / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014 Lecturer in Civil Society and Democratic Transitions in the Maghreb. Masters Degree in Arab and Hebrew Cultures – past and present, University of Granada. 2013-2014 Lecturer in Research Methodology and Specialized Information Resources. Masters Degree in Arab and Hebrew Cultures – past and present, University of Granada. 2008-09 Lecturer in Civil Society and Transitions in the Maghreb. Doctorate Program in Mediterranean Political Studies, University of Granada.

International Teaching Experience

Since 2008 Lecturer in Islamic Culture (45 hours/semester), at the Modern Languages Centre (CLM), University of Granada (Only for USA Students-Bilateral university credit transfer agreement). June 2013 Lecturer in Democracy and Islam: between the ‘self’ and the ‘other’, course “Muslims in the West. From Islamic Spain and the construction of otherness to 9/11”, University of CaliforniaBerkeley (USA), Summer session. June 2013 Lecturer: Spain and the Arab World, special design course for the University of Iowa lectureship, CLM-University of Granada / University of Iowa (USA). 2015-2016 Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Arabic-Spanish Translation, Abdelmalik Essaadi University in Tangiers (Morocco). Courses: General Translation I [Arabic-Spanish] and General Translation II [Arabic-Spanish] (BA level). 2012-2013 Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Asian and African Studies, Ca’Foscari University of Venice (Italy). Courses: History and Institutions of the Islamic Countries and Islamistics (BA and MA level).

Additional teaching experience

2009/2010/2011 Lecturer: Islamist parties in the Maghreb (6 hours), course Islam and Muslims: historical and social dynamics – El Islam y los Musulmanes: dinámicas históricas y sociales”, Spanish School for Diplomats and Casa Árabe, Madrid. 2005 Lecturer: Islamic movements and society: the case of Morocco,
course The Arab and Muslim World face to the challenges of the future – El Mundo árabe e islámico ante los retos de futuro, Centro de Formación Continua, University of Granada.

Academic Management Experience

Since 2016 Coordinator of the research lines in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Ph.D. Program in Languages, texts and contexts, University of Granada. Oct. 2010 – 2016 Secretary of the Internal Quality Guarantee Commission (CGICT) of the Graduate Degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies. Official Graduate Degree, University of Granada. Jan. 2010 – 2016 Member of the Academic Commission of the Graduate Degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Granada. Jan. 2010 – 2016 Member of the Academic Commission of the Masters Degree in ‘Arabic and Hebrew Cultures – Past and Present’. Official Masters Degree, University of Granada. Jan. 2009 – Nov. 13 Academic Assistant Coordinator of the Masters Degree in ‘Arab and Hebrew Cultures – past and present’, University of Granada. Jan. 2010 – Nov. 13 Secretary of the Internal Quality Guarantee Commission (CGICT) of the Masters Degree in ‘Arab and Hebrew Cultures – Past and Present’. Official Masters Degree, University of Granada


Conferences, Courses and Workshops on Arabic Language

Sep. 2009 I ARABELE International Congress on Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language. Casa Árabe, Madrid (Spain). July – Aug. 2009 Intensive course on Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Arab Academy for Electronic and Information Technology Services. Cairo (Egypt). 40 hours. June – July 2008 Intensive Course on Moroccan Arabic. Toledo School for Translators, University of Castilla – La Mancha (Spain). 60 hours. 2007 – 2008 Final Translation Project – Al-Shajsaniyya al-Islamiyya, by Muhammad ‘Aziz Lahbabi. Dir. Luis Miguel Pérez Cañada. Specialist in Arabic/Spanish Translation Course. Toledo School for Translators, University of Castilla – La Mancha (Spain). 2001 – 2006 Arabic/Spanish Translation Workshops in Specific Fields: United Nation Texts, Literary Criticism, Journalism, Economy, Law and Classical Arabic Texts. Toledo School for Translators, University of Castilla – La Mancha (Spain). 90 hours. Sep. 2001 Arabic/Spanish Translation Seminars. Toledo School for Translators, University of Castilla – La Mancha (Spain). 60 hours. July – Ago. 00 Intensive Course on Arabic Language. Bourghiba Institute of Modern Languages, University of Tunis I (Tunisia). 80 hours.


Spanish: Mother tongue Arabic: High Advanced English: High Advanced French: Mid Advanced

PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC MEMBERSHIPS 2013 – currently Member of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) 2013 – currently Member of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) 2007 – currently Member of the World Association of Arab Translators and Linguists (WATA). 2004 – currently Member of the Forum of Researchers on the Arab and Muslim World / Foro de Investigadores sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán (FIMAM).

January 2017